Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sarahbear est. 1998 Grizz est. 2012

All children are born to be something great. Its the figuring out what that greatness is going to be that is the fun part.

Of course, she doesn't see it that way.

Her name is Sarah. I call her Sarahbear, her teammates call her Grizz.

She is the best thing that I have ever created. But she is the first thing that will drive me completely insane!!

It took YEARS for her to find a sport that she loved. YEARS!!

I think it started out something like this: dance, gymnastics, soccer, gymnastics, basketball, soccer, 2 hours of softball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, volleyball, and well you get it.

We did the YMCA (you know you hummed the tune when you read that)thing for a bit, and quite frankly, it got boring. For her as a player and me as a mother. Where was the competition? Why is everyone being so nice?

Seriously, it is NOT okay to serve a ball into 3 courts down! Even if this is the YMCA and they don't have 3 courts, but you bet your dollar that if they did that ball was going there. IT only bothered me a little bit.

It wasn't until my daughter served almost an entire game that I realized we had to get out of the YMCA; because those other parents were coming after me. :)

Fast forward ... through searching websites of local club volleyball teams, asking everyone around me annoying questions, sticker shock to how much it costs etc and the day arrives for Try-Outs and BAM we become a North Florida Pirate!

That was in 2011. When it was cool to wear socks up to your knees and big hair bows (OK, I really don't think it was cool, but they did it anyways). In 2012 my Sarahbear was playing in a local tournament and was killing the serves. That is how she earned the nickname "Grizz". I think the conversation went something like this:

Sarahbear serves, gets an ace. Me "YAY!! Way to go Sarahbear" Lyndi "that doesn't sound like a bad ass name, shes a bad ass server, it needs to be different, like Grizzly"

SarahGRIZZLY serves, gets an ace, the girls do their ace cheer and then Lyndi growls. Got to love that heifer!

Grizzly was eventually cut short to Grizz and BAM there ya have it!

Fast forward again to now. A lot has changed.

She made Varsity as a Freshman for Orange Park High School. Played amazing. Club ball came, and with that came a great coach and the best playing she has done yet.

March 16, 2014 during the semi championship match at a Tampa Pre-Qualifier Sarah went up for the kill and when she came down, she went all the way down.

Later we would learn that she tore her ACL.

And that is the reason I am here now.
